Information for distributors

If you would like to resell our products here is some info you may like to know.

The bulk packs are priced so there is a good margin for resellers. The 10 pack dimming stabilizer reduces the cost of each by 35% ($10.40 each). The 100 pack reduces the cost of each by 43% ($9.10 each). The Level Set device is similar.

The bulk packs are not individually packaged for sale as we don't expect an end-user retail environment but rather sales from an electrical supply house. If you require packaging for individual sale - for example, one per bag plus an instruction sheet - please send email to and we can supply you with a quote for this. Also send us email if you would like other size orders.

If you have a California resale certificate, please fill out this form, save it, and then send to and please include the email address you used to create your account for purchase on this site. Once we receive it we will set your account to not charge taxes.